Thursday, March 17, 2011


Something You're Looking Forward To

Most of you know that we lived in China last year.  Ryan has to go back occasionally for work.  Next week is one of those times.  This time, I'm going with him.  A lot of my friends are still there, so I'm looking forward to visiting with them and catching up.  Oh, and shopping and massages, of course!

While I'm looking forward to it, I'm also starting to get a little antsy.  We will be gone for 12 days, and we're not taking the kids.  It's just Ryan and I.  The kids will be staying with my parents.  For 12 days.  I've never been away from them that long.  12 days.  That's a long time.  Did I mention it's 12 days?

But yes, I am looking forward to it.  It'll be fun spending time with my friends.  Getting massages.  Going shopping.  Seeing the sites.  So yeah, I'm looking forward to it.  I'm just a little nervous about it being so long.  I hope they don't forget me.  I hope they don't get too homesick.  I hope *I* don't get too homesick.  

Wish us luck!


Shell said...

Wow, 12 days? But, they will all do fine and so will you! I hope that you enjoy the trip!

Stacy said...

That sounds so exciting! Have a wonderful time.