Friday, October 9, 2009


I woke up in a bad mood today, so I'm guessing it's going to be a bad day.  Not really a "bad" mood, I guess just a "sad" mood.  Most days are pretty good, but for some reason, I'm having a hard time today, and it's only 9:15 in the morning.  That doesn't bode well for the rest of the day! 

Oh well, my dear friend Sandy told me I'm entitled to them, so I guess I just deal with it and get through it.  Tomorrow is another day.  And it's one day closer to coming home for Christmas and seeing everyone.  I miss you all and I can't wait to see you.


Anonymous said...

I wish I could put my arms around you. I miss you so much. Trying to keep busy helps some. I am going to see a Chorus Line today with my friend Polly from the YMCA. I'm sure I'll think about how much fun I had with you going to musicals. How much we both love them. Love you honey. Mom

Anonymous said...

After I got to thinking about what you said. I remember sad days I had. I at least could call a friend and we could talk in English. Dad didn't travel near as much as Ryan, he eid work the long hours. It was the friends that helped me through the rough times. I know if you were here, you would come and spend the night. You & Dad would go to O'Connell's & I would be in my glory, because I would have the kids all to myself.