Friday, April 20, 2012

Follow Friday: Four Fill-In Fun . . . (Try saying THAT 3 times)! . . .


Trying a new Blog Hop today.  It's called Four Fill-In Fun.  Each Friday Hilary at Feeling Beachie gives you four statements with blanks left in them.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to fill them in.  Here are the statements:

1.       I always forget___
2.       I never __without___
3.      Recently I started to _____, and it has helped tremendously!
4.      If I had to find a date, the last place I would look for one is _______.

So here are my fill-ins:

1.  I always forget EVERYTHING!
2. I never start my day without a diet Coke.
3. Recently I started to wear a C-PAP machine for my Sleep Apnea, and it has helped tremendously!
4. If I had to find a date, the last place I would look for one is outside a divorce attorney's office. 

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Thanks for playing along! I am following you back... I need to start my day with coffee, otherwise I can't function!