Wednesday, March 21, 2012

PYHO: World Down Syndrome Day . . .

I had another post already started for this week's PYHO.  Then I heard that today is World Down Syndrome Day.  So that post can wait until next week.

I read an article this week that really got my blood boiling.  You can read it HERE

Am I the only one that has a problem with this?  How can you say in one breath that you would have aborted her if you'd known she had Down Syndrome, and then in the SAME breath say that you love her?  I don't get it.  I feel SO sorry for her, and I don't even know her.  But I DO know there are A LOT of people out there that would have GLADLY adopted her and not expect to receive $2.9 Million to do it.  

Have you ever been around a Down Syndrome child?  If not, then you don't know what you're missing.  The ones I've met are AMAZING.  They are just a little "more" in my opinion.  I don't really know how to describe it any other way.  They're a little more happy, a little more friendly, a little more bubbly.  They're just MORE.  And they're a joy to be around.  And they always make me smile.

When I was pregnant with Sarah we knew Down Syndrome was a possibility because of my "advanced maternal age" as my OB liked to call it.  We KNEW that.  And we discussed it.  And we knew that even if she had Down Syndrome, she was still our child.  When I was about 19-20 weeks pregnant we were told that she likely had Spina Bifida and/or Down Syndrome.  Now we'd discussed Down Syndrome, but not Spina Bifida.  And Spina Bifida scared me because everything I read talked about how painful and hard it is on the child.  And that broke my heart.  

So we had an emergency ultrasound to investigate further.  At the ultrasound we were told she DEFINITELY didn't have Spina Bifida, but there was still a 1/200 chance that she would have Down Syndrome.  We were also told we could have an amniocentesis if we were really concerned about it.  We looked at each other for about 2 seconds and said no.  That wasn't even an option.  We knew she was our daughter, and we knew Down Syndrome or not, we would love her.  And we weren't willing to take the risk of losing her from the amnio, in order to find out for sure.  (Which they say is about 99% accurate).  We had 2 more ultrasounds, and with each ultrasound the odds of her having Down Syndrome decreased with each one.  But we still didn't know for sure.  When she was born, the first words out of Ryan's mouth were, "she's healthy."  And I knew what that meant.  And I cried like a baby.  But not because I wouldn't love her, or he wouldn't love her, or the boys wouldn't love her.  We ALREADY loved her.  But because I knew her life would be easier without it, and she wouldn't be judged the minute someone looked at her.  And as a parent, isn't that what we want for our children?  For their lives to be as easy as possible, and for them not to be judged at first site?

But if she HAD been born with Down Syndrome, I NEVER would expect to receive $2.9 million.  I still can't believe the jury awarded them that money.  It just leaves me speechless.  And believe me, that doesn't happen often.  

If they didn't want her, then why didn't they put her up for adoption?  There are SO many people out there that WANT a child.  And they would have gladly adopted her.  And in my opinion?  She would have been better off.  Now keep in mind, I don't know these people.  But if I were them, I sure wouldn't be proud to admit that I received $2.9 million for not being able to abort my child.  And I also wouldn't be proud to admit that I was on the jury that awarded them that money.


Unknown said...

I had a boy with Down's in my Sunday school class. He is such a dear. I love running into him in the hall now.

Amy said...

Wow! That's about all I can say about the article.

Guess those parents saw an easy way to get some cash and they ran with it. Good thing I wasn't on that jury...

Shell said...

That case really is so crazy!

I can understand your relief, though. We do want the easiest possible lives for our kids.